This auction is a BENEFIT for Oneida Nation's Clean Water Distribution Program.

Please be kind and generous. This is not the place to get deals, this is an auction to support a community that doesn't have clean drinking water in their homes. It is not the time to scoop a deal. It is a time to pay a good value for what you are bidding on. Most item's reserve prices are approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the value of the item. Go high please! Thank you for your support. It means a LOT!!!

Organized by Todd Torresan of The Talking Circle Group.

Five days before Christmas a State Of Emergency was declared on the Oneida Nation Settlement just 30 minutes southwest of London. The community had to conserve all water use as their water tower was desperately low. Todd is a community member of Oneida and felt the need to bring awareness to this crisis.

Todd and Stratford Musician, Barry James Payne (String Bone, ex-Rant Maggie Rant), came together to organize a Benefit Concert called Water Is Life in support of Oneida and their campaign to bring clean drinking water into their homes.

We really hope the local community can come together to show the people of Oneida, a neighbouring community, that we care and we are here to help.

Winning bidders must pay by either cash or eTransfer. Details will be sent to all bidders once the auction has closed. Items will be delivered as per the pick-up policy - so please review at the bottom of each page. 

Shipping, if required, is the responsibility of the winning bidders and must be paid in advance of shipment.

Visit Todd's The Talking Circle Group at:

Tickets for the concert are available here:

Auction Starts In

Thursday March 13, 1:17 pm EST

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