Sample Email for the Last Days of an Auction

Sample Email for the Last Days of an Auction

We often suggest that you email your past, current and new bidders an email to let them know that the auction is closing today or the next day.  It is just a simple email reminding them to come and bid before the auction ends.

The Email Bidders program uses ‘tags’.  You insert a tag and let the computer fill in the information required. This is an example of a tag: Hi [customer_name]. The person receiving the email will see Hi Jane.

Sample Email

There is still time to bid!

Hi [customer_name]

Just a friendly reminder that  ____________________online auction ends tomorrow starting at ______ pm. There are a variety of items available in this auction that we are sure will interest you.


We encourage you to bid early as your internet speed and internet traffic may vary. Try to use Maximum Bidding and let the computer bid for you up to your suggested limit.

There is a staggered closing time between Lots.  Each Lot will close ___ seconds apart to give you more time to bid on other Lots.

Extended Time will be in effect. That means that time will be extended by 2 minutes when a bid is placed within the last two minutes.

The winning bidders will receive an invoice at the conclusion of the auction and will have (their credit card charged) or (to pay us credit card, eTransfer, cash or cheque).

Please bring your invoice with you when you pick up your items at _________________ . Items may be picked up between ____________________

Thank you in advance for your support
