If you already have a bidder or vendor account you can login using the form below:
Sample Email for Start of an Auction
Sample Email for Start of an Auction
You can use the Email Bidders program under the Home Auction Dashboard to sent your past, current and new bidders an email.
This email is to let them know that your auction is now live and that they can start bidding. You can also offer them tips and suggestions to make bidding easy and fun. You can also list some items and summarize why you are having the auction.
You will notice that the Email Bidders program uses ‘tags’. This is a tag: Hi [customer_name] The person receiving the email will see Hi Jane.
Sample Email for Start of an Auction
Bidding Has Begun!
Hi [customer_name]
Just a friendly reminder that the _____________online auction sale opened on _____________ at _______. There is a fine selection ____________________________ and much more.
Use the Maximum Bidding feature and let the computer bid for you up to your amount.
Visit our auction site at [auction_url]
Please let us know if you need help with bidding.