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Edit, Archive or Duplicate a Product
Edit, Archive or Duplicate a Product (Vendors Only)
The Edit Products icon will take you to three other icons called Edit Products, Item Display Order and Print Product List.
Click on the Edit Products icon to Edit, View, Add, Archive or Duplicate a Product.
Edit Products is where you can do multiple tasks with each of your products. You can hover over the icon to see what procedure you can do. Make sure you are in the correct auction.
Edit: the icon with the pencil is your edit option. This is where you can change all the information that you initially setup.
View: the icon with the eye will allow you to see the product as the bidders would see it.
Archive: the icon with the box will move the product to Archives. You can see the list of items in Archives by clicking on the Archive name just below the Search box.
Delete: the icon with the garbage can is your delete option.
Duplicate: the icon with the double pages is your duplicate icon. You can duplicate the current product in that line. Make sure you are duplicating the product to the proper auction. You can also go into Archives and duplicate a product and add it to a current auction.